Wow, 17 weeks. It’s hard to believe it’s been this long but also very believable. It’s weird how much you want to rush and lose as much as possible in the shortest time possible. But, I’ve come to appreciate the journey and try not to be upset when things come up, whether illness or the body just needing a break after awhile. Sheesh!

We did end up going to the trampoline place last weekend. I was feeling pretty strong and went for a morning walk first. It was hard not to, the rain had stopped and the sunrise was so calming.
After, I ended up jumping for quite a bit. The employees were so nice and let us stay over our time limit! It’s crazy how much fun jumping actually is. I read an article that said jumping on the trampoline is similar or burns even more calories than running at 6 mph!! Plus, it’s easy on the joints! I just really wish there was a location closer to me.
This week went pretty well, but it did rain. I had to do a few workouts indoors. When I finally got outside, everything was frozen and cold!

Being in So Cal, I’m just not used to that. I put on extra layers and it helped. Also, I just can’t catch a break. Now the whole family got a weird cough. I don’t have a fever or anything but am coughing randomly. I noticed I couldn’t jog much either so I slowed it to mostly walking.
Even though, I pulled off another 2.2 lb loss!

It may just be partly from the coughing. I had less of an appetite this week, so maybe water loss? Next week, I’m not expecting a good number. My time of the month is coming. But, I’ll still keep pushing but I may rest up a bit. I just don’t want to go overboard.

That’s it for my update. I am officially 50% to my goal! I am excited and hope to keep going. The closer I get, the harder it’s gonna be to get the lbs. off. I just have to keep taking it 1 day at a time and enjoy myself while I’m at it. Have a great weekend!
**Oh, and the scale app I’m using says to be fat free, I have to get to 103??? UGH I don’t think I could ever get that low!

Graph: Total lost trend since 9/1!