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4 weeks 1 day ago

In honor of a great man. Hope your day is going well and everything you achieve is important, even the smallest things.


1 month 1 week ago

Enoying the new weightloss show #6000lbdiaries. Chelsey (SORRY, I called her CHERYL I think!) is struggling at over 600lbs. Basic movement becomes hard, and we


1 month 1 week ago

Positive vibes to all of those that have lost their homes! The wind continues and these fires being nearby don't make it easy to focus


1 month 1 week ago

We have to be our own biggest cheerleader and trainer most of the time. It can be so tough! Do you have a weightloss vlog/blog?


1 month 2 weeks ago

Yes, I am VERY guilty of having low self esteem. I'm hoping to become more confident and reach my weight loss goals! Lately, I've been


1 month 2 weeks ago

New reaction 1k best friends s3 ep 5! Scott's STRING CHEESE STASH! Vanessa's skin surgery recovery, weightloss community therapy session and Ashley meets with the


1 month 2 weeks ago

New reaction 1000 lb. sisters s6 ep 7! Getting ready for a 5k?? Tammy faces a new fear, and Amanda tries to patch things up.


1 month 2 weeks ago

My take and experience on intermittent fasting. Please NOTE. I am not a medical or licensed fitness professional. Just trying to learn about different weight


1 month 2 weeks ago

I explored some articles about this and there are so many mixed messages out there. Some sites say IF is the greatest way to become


1 month 3 weeks ago

I had a pretty down moment in the fitting room right before Christmas. It was a huge wake up call to be honest. It hurt.

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