Just a quick update! I am finally doing well again! I lost 2 lbs this week! Around 9 lbs overall since the start of summer! I have been working out again and really watching my carb and sugar intake. Those 2 things seem to be the major culprit for my weight gain.
Sorry for the blurry picture. I was jogging at the time and should have just stopped to take the photo. It is getting darker earlier in the day but I still enjoy my outdoor workouts the most! Plus, there are decorations out now and when it is dark, everything is lit up and makes it a cooler experience.
My daughter gave me the idea to start a glass progress jar. I didn’t think something like this would help but this whole week whenever I wanted to give in, I thought about how good it would feel to add more to the jar. Each one represents a pound. It doesn’t look like much now, but I hope to fill it up by next summer!
That’s all for today!