Week 33: A new loss!

The plateau finally broke! I have a bad feeling this is just the new normal for me though. Since I’m getting closer to my goal weight range, it is gonna be tougher and tougher for the weight to drop. Each month there will probably be stalls from now on. I just have to be patient, re-access my fitness and eating each week, and push through with persistence!

This week the scale finally moved! I lost 2.8 this week, almost 3 lbs. It’s definitely getting harder but every bit I lose adds up and gets me closer to my ultimate goal.

I can’t believe May is over already. It went by so fast! I mainly had the plateau this month but my weight did go down slowly overall. I’m satisfied with it. I hope June turns out better but not gonna stress too much over it. As long as I have a deficit towards my goal each month, I’m going to be patient and keep going. Quitting is not an option. It’s just kind of weird because this week is the week that I took a break. I didn’t exercise as much.

I got started on my mileage tracker. It is kind of hard to keep track of my outdoor walks. I have to go in google maps where it tracks my walking. I should really download an actual app for it.

We went to the park for memorial day weekend and I forced myself to walk around and get some more steps in. It was really nice. We ended up getting up close to some squirrels. They love to tease our dog 😂🐿️

That’s my check in for now. The month flew by! The kids have 1 week left of school and I will have a bit more time in the mornings for longer walks and more miles! 👣

Have a great weekend!

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