Week 23: hmm -_-

It was a good week…so I thought. I tried to do a 10k again but didn’t make it once again. I got to a little over 5 miles. I have been doing reading on running and read that is not good to obsess over pacing and mileage but to just run at the best pace for you and not stress too much. I am going to follow that advice because lately, exercising has become such a chore. I want to feel good after but also try to enjoy it as well.

I ended up having my first gain in a while on this journey. I am up 1.4 lbs, exactly what I lost last week. We went to that party wrote about before and I did indulge. Probably part of the reason for gaining.

I took the top part of the sandwich off and tried to just take bites of everything but definitely overate overall. Weekends and events have always been my weakness with every journey I’ve been on. In the past, I would get very angry and give up. Instead, I’m making it a habit to report everything. Including “bad” gain weeks.

To be honest, I was starting to wonder when I would gain. I have had pretty steady weight loss, and I feel grateful for that. I am going to turn this week into additional motivation to do better next week!

The kids are off for spring break next week so I plan on getting some nice long morning jogs in all next week in my favorite areas! We may go to the trampoline park a few times as well. I will also do my best with my eating because my appetite has come back full force. Just because I’m exercising a lot does not mean I can eat whatever!

But, overall, I’m still calling it a good week. Normal weight loss that is realistic is slow and steady with FLUCTUATIONS. I want this to be a permanent lifestyle change after all!

I just keep reminding myself that the overall weightloss trend is the most important. As long as it keeps going down over the long term, I am very happy! Hope you have a great weekend and upcoming week!

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