So far, so good. It’s been a little over 2 weeks getting back into this. I feel myself becoming more and more serious as time goes by. Weekends are still kicking my rear. I can’t seem to get any sort of handle on them. But, I’m trying my best and will continue to push forward. My phase 1 goal is around 20 lbs. I’m not sure I can hit it but I will continue to push my weight loss as close to it as possible.
I mentioned in my last blog that I’m exploring my new neighborhood and finding things to like about it. There are these 2 ducks that are always wandering around by one of the schools close by:
Also, the lizards come out right around late afternoon until sunset just enjoying the sun I guess. I took a picture of one but there are a bunch. They come out on the sidewalk right by the bushes:
Yesterday, I had soup for lunch, and today, salad.
Both were pretty filling. I still have tons of cravings but, each day, they are weaker and weaker. I want to have less of an appetite as it makes it easier to stick with healthy options and even do a bit of fasting like I used to. I lost about 2 lbs so far and will keep going. That’s all for today. I’ll write again soon!